safe, noninvasive breast imaging

The QTscan® is a non-invasive, FDA cleared breast imaging tool. Transmission ultrasound together with reflection ultrasound provide highly complementary and synergistic information about breast tissue, which may enable healthcare providers to effectively assess breast health. This evolution in medical imaging technology generates 3D images with remarkable accuracy and precision, and the volumetric images are produced without the need of contrast agents or radiation. It is not intended as a replacement for screening mammography.

The transmission technology difference

What makes this emerging technology important is that the QTscan’s ‘transmission’ imaging is quantitative in nature, and thus provides us with information which can assist clinicians in identifying different breast tissues.

In a QTscan, images are generated using both reflection and transmission modalities. Our transmission ultrasound developments in hardware and imaging algorithms have enabled improvements in visualizing breast tissues in a natural pendant state.

QT information visually correlates with histology

A QT Imaging system uses a transmitter/receiver array pair as well as a system of reflection transceivers to create a multi-modality system (transmission and reflection). Multiple transmission acquisitions are acquired for 180 angles as the transmitter is rotated fully around the subject. Reflection data from the reflection transducers is interleaved between the transmission acquisitions. The result is a 3D speed-of-sound (SOS) image and reflection tomogram.

Because this innovative imaging technology utilizes true 3D data acquisition and reconstruction, the QT algorithm is able to systematically characterize and isolate certain tissues based on speed of sound.

The dense breast challenge

Conventional breast imaging modalities, such as mammography, face tremendous challenges when imaging dense breast tissue, which puts women with dense breasts – nearly half the female population – at an immediate disadvantage. This is because cancer can appear similar to regular breast tissue and if there is a lot of breast tissue (such as in the case of dense breasts), the cancer can ‘hide’. Our QT technology has the ability to image through dense breasts, and our ongoing clinical trials aim to confirm how the QTscan can effectively detect suspicious regions. Our case studies show high contrast breast images with no injections and no radiation.


3D Mammography with Tomosynthesis

Handheld Ultrasound

Breast MRI


Case study of single subject with suspicious mass as viewed across multiple imaging modalities.

(not visible)

Handheld Ultrasound

Breast MRI


Case study of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma as viewed across multiple imaging modalities.

See the rest of the comparative case studies Read our Dense Breast Mass Detection Study

Seeing breast health in a whole new light

The QTscan’s true 3D acquisition and 3D reconstruction offers a new way to look at breast imaging and breast health. See for yourself.

Breast imaging matters

50% of women have dense breasts, placing them at increased risk of breast cancer. *

This year, more than 250,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. *

Follow-up imaging does not mean a woman has cancer. Fewer than 1 in 10 women that get called back for more tests are found to have cancer. *